You know what they say, sometimes you just gotta get yer hindparts on a plane to Las Vegas.
...I don't think anyone actually says that. But I just did. And, I'm actually not that crazy about Vegas. It's kind of a bizarre Back to the Future II experience for me to be, what is this glittery, surreal place with painted faces and cigarette smoke and lights and sounds and so on and so on. Idk, not my jam really. BUT. When you've got a really great group of people going and a really posh/free place to stay because one of said great people bought a stay at a resort for cheeaaaps at a charity auction.....then yes, Vegas is my jam. And since I was in Vegas, I hitched a ride on up to Utah afterward to see some of my most favorite people.
I don't know, let's just take this day by day...
Day 1
Arrive at airport. Friend says, "I'm picking you up. We're going clubbing." Change clothing from leggings/T-shirt to something-remotely-sassy-but-not-really-because-you've-never-gone-clubbing in nasty airport bathroom. Freeze on airport curb because WHY IS VEGAS 20 DEGREES. (Not joking. It was 20-something degrees.) Head to dinner with friends at....wait for it....a bikini bull-riding bar. Whhhha?? I mean, when in Vegas...but seriously, it also had a restaurant portion that was suitable for not-bikinis and mmmmmcowboy food! Offer brisket to this Texas-born girl and I'll be happy as a clam. After filling bellies, head to a club (because who doesn't want to dance with a belly full of brisket??), where a friend-of-a-friend has gotten your names on a special list that gets you in a special entrance and you obbbbviously look out of place (because everyone else looks like a Kardashian and you look like you live in the hippie/hipster capitol of California)......ok, whatever present-tense third-person deal I'm writing in is starting to twist my brain. Real talk: The Kardashians themselves were actually at this club. Or at least one of them was. And R. Kelly. I mean, what is my life? Truth: Clubs are a very strange, strange place. It's so crowded you can't even dance! I just wanted to groove. But I'll still chalk it up to a life experience! And, we ended the night with milkshakes. Everyone wins.

Day 2
So far just us 4 girls at the resort -- our two guy friends were on track to arrive that afternoon. In the meantime......SPA! The resort had a hot tub/sauna/magical-waterfall-shower area, so we most def probs totes hit that up all morning. I soaked in the hot tub, read a book, girl-chatted about various delicate and feminine topics (see: body hair removal) and, most importantly, WORE A ROBE. There's something about hotel robes, you know?? Our two other friends arrived that afternoon, at which point we all headed off into the traffic melee to get to The Strip. (Is that capitalized? It's a proper noun? I don't know?) We then proceeded to feast for like...3 P.F. Chang's, which was a delight because we somehow scored this exclusive-ish private booth in the corner of the upstairs. Also, all the tables were open so I don't know why we waited 30 min for our table. In any case, we feasted. And then we played the slots. My first slot machines! I invested a dollar (OK first I borrowed a dollar, then I invested it) and, via a team effort, managed to get it up to $7.50....then back down to 34 cents. You win some, you lose some. AND THEN, THE HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT....we went and saw the Britney Spears show! For $15! That happened! You guys, if any part of you, even deep down inside, likes B. Spears.....go see this show. I felt like I was 13 years old again. I don't know her newer stuff as well, but she played enough of her old hits that I sang and danced my little heart out. Man alive, go see that show. And then, because we're old and hate traffic, we left The Strip....the strip....uhhhmm ThE like 11pm and battled the traffic to get back to our shmancy lodging. We pulled into the parking lot just as midnight struck, at which point we glamorously watched tiny fireworks in the distance from inside the car because......still freezing as hell outside. (Yes, I'm convinced hell is frozen, not hot. Don't try and tell me otherwise.) The night ended with a brief dip in the hot tub.....until 5am. Errrrm. Only really good choices, you guys. Only really good choices.

Day 3
This post is getting excessive. Luckily, Day 3 had minimal events: a fantastic lunch and conversation at Smashburger, followed by a 6-hr drive to Salt Lake City. It actually was a lovely drive, but I won't write a huge paragraph about it. To save us all time/sanity. You know. "Everything I do, I do it for you." -Bryan Adams (sexiest voice alive -- you can quote me on that)
Day 4
Utaaahhhhhh! At this point in the trip, I was starting to come down with a slight illness, along with half the people I'd been in Vegas with. Plagues travel fast in close quarters, is the thing. And also it would probably help if I went to bed before all....on this entire trip. ANYWAY. In Utah I stayed with my dear Katie friend (I have lots of Katie friends.....this one is blonde, that narrows it down) and it was SO SO SO SO good to be with her. I wish we lived in the same place ALWAYS. Anyway, we spent this day brunching and shopping and movie-watching and eating take-out thai food and all things that a vacation should be.
Day 5
Don't worry, we're nearing the end. Kudos to you if you're still reading. THIS IS FOR POSTERITY. On this day, I met up with another Katie-friend (I know, it's excessive) who I wish lived in the same place as me always too, and we went ice skating with our friend Limher. Ice skating is magical until it makes your ankles hurt. But mostly magical. I did some great Britney-inspired dance moves without even falling over. I capped the day off with two visits to Old Navy (essentially doubling the number of times I've been to Old Navy in like the last 2 years) (but what a sale on workout clothes!!) and dinner and White House Down and life-memory-chatting with Larsy and Beef, (aka Lauralee and Kelsey), my college roommates and other half....s. Halves. Thirds. Samsonite. Larsy is about to pop any day with her BABY, so we poked her belly a few times and chanted some tribal chants for good luck. But seriously, this day was filled with such favorite people. I thought my heart migh 'shplode.
Day 6
Swollen throat. Cafe Rio. Two Twilight films (because if you've never seen them, why not watch them??). Downton Abbey (I'm only 4 seasons behind, why not jump in?). Then sleeeep.
Day 7
This day involved some blogging, loafing around and, eventually, flying back to CA. I wanted to kiss the ground when I returned to my beautiful coastal weather and sunshine, but I was sad for my trip to end. Can all the amazing people in my life just live in one place pleeeease??? The flight home was actually oddly eventful, which you know if you followed my live-tweet session of my layover in LAX on
the Twitters. Shenanigans, left and right. There was also this dog sitting near me on the plane, and you KNOW that was just the icing on the cake that my vacation needed.

Aaand that's the end of my stories. 20 points to Gryffindor if you're still reading. It was the most perfect vacation, and maybe the best new year's eve I've ever had.....I mean, the bar wasn't high -- New Year's Eve is always some kind of weird hyped up evening that turns into a medium-rare letdown, amiright? In any case, it was the best. THE BEST. And now, after a week back at work, and still some germs to fight off, I'm ready to launch myself into the weekend and goooooooooodNIGHT.