Friday, April 5, 2013

so i sent my book to a publisher...

It's always been one of my not-so-secret life dreams to write a book.

The problem is, I always start books and don't finish them. Or I finish them and I hate them. Probably about 30 minutes after snapping the above picture, I pulled out my laptop and wrote a children's book about the cactus being in love with the moon. And, I liked my book. I mean, I REALLY liked my book.

So a couple days ago, I sent it to a publisher.

I don't know what will happen. They might end up rejecting me to the curb, but I still feel really brave. I'm taking risks! Being bold! Putting myself out there! I think everyone should go do something a little reckless and courageous today. Take a risk on one of your random life dreams.

What do you have to lose?

Also, here's a little teaser from the description I sent to the publisher: A cactus has fallen in love with the moon. Every evening, she reaches for the night sky and pines for her one lunar love, and he shines back down on his prickly jade beauty. Is it possible to find romance with one lover grounded in sand and one strapped to the skies?

Fingers crossed, you guys. Fingers crossed.


Angela said...

Way to take the risk! It sounds like such a cute story line, good luck girl!

Emma Frances said...

Fingers crossed for you! I love the description of the book! I would love to read it to Holland! :]

Larsy said...

GAH!!!! Did you illustrate it too?!?!?! I just need to read it. Gimme gimme gimme, I need, I need I NEED!

Meg said...

Yayay!!! I'm so so excited for you :-)

Anonymous said...

Love the description you sent!! I'd read it :)

Crystalee said...

Yay you! Way to go for it. Feels so good to take those big risks - and good WILL come. I'm excited to see what happens for you. No doubt you're book be in the library soon!

I'm going after one my big dreams too - just booked a room in a monastery in Rome and a place in Venice. Italy, here we come!

Emily said...

You're kind of my hero. This is amazing, bravo!! You should write some more about the process of sending it to a publisher, I'd love to hear about it! Cheers to following your dreams and being an inspiration to the rest of us. :)

Anonymous said...

How cool!! I want to read it!

Kylie said...

I would buy it! I hope they publish it! I've always wanted to write a children's book, too.

Myke said...

Sounds awesome. I hope they do the right thing and publish it.

Kerry said...

go girl! woot woot!! gotta reach for those dreams. think of all the writers who were rejected endlessly until one time.. they weren't. this could be your time! xoxo

Elizabeth Downie said...

Ooooh! I love it! The book sounds totally charming too! Way to be!

Jenna said...

Well that's just fantastic! See, you're a go-getter. My mom and dad have encouraged me to write a book about a hundred times and I still haven't even thought about it. Uhhhhhhhhh ...

B said...

I love how just a simple little evening scene could inspire a whole book! How unique. Good Luck!

Lydia said...

Sounds great. I'd buy it, especially if it were about a Saguaro. Then I would think it was about the Saguaro in my front yard. Adding romance to a yard plant would be most excellent.

Anonymous said...

Woah. That sounds like it'll be a great book! :)

K said...

I love that description. I hope it get published so I can read it :) Way to be brave and go out on a limb! You've inspired me today..

Unknown said...

I love the way your mind thinks. I would buy this book.

katilda said...

Thank you for the support! Fingers crossed!

katilda said...

Let's cross our toes too! I would love it if you read it to Holland someday...only after singing the drunken sailor song, haha

katilda said...

10 points to Gryffindor for the What About Bob quote...

katilda said...

Gah, I'm excited too! They said it would take 6 weeks to hear back and I'm 1 week in steps! haha

katilda said...

Oh good :) Appreciate the support!

katilda said...

ITALY! I'm so so so excited for you! And a monastery...that's so perfect.

katilda said...

I will definitely write a post about sending it to a publisher! Good call.

katilda said...

Hopefully someday the whole world will want to read it...haha

katilda said...

You should definitely write one!

katilda said...

haha your vote of confidence is much appreciated. The right thing, indeed!

katilda said...

I hope it's my time, but even if it's not, like you said....every writer has to deal with rejections! So fingers crossed but there's always more publishers out there!

katilda said...

Hey thanks! Charming is exactly what I was going for.

katilda said...

haha it seriously just hit me one night and I sat down and wrote it. Maybe you're just waiting for THE MOMENT to strike :)

katilda said...

I love it too! It just came to me in a flash and I sat down and wrote it. So spontaneous and perfect.

katilda said...

Well good news it IS about a Saguaro! I agree...adding romance to a yard plant IS most excellent. haha

katilda said...

Hey thanks! I like to think so...haha

katilda said...

Maybe you should write a book now too, as long as you're feeling inspired? yes yes?

katilda said...

I love the way YOUR mind thinks. I think our minds might be the same, also.