Monday, April 1, 2013

My true feelings on April Fools Day.

Not to be a debbie downer, but this is really the worst holiday.

I'm an overly trusting person, a terrible liar and I never understand it fully when people try to trick me or lie to me. This is more commonly referred to as being "gullible" but I also think "gullible" is a label that the tricksy people like to pin on us poor trusting folk so they can get away with their shenanigans. So a whole day where people try and trick me or tell me exciting things only to take them back? No. Thank. You. As per usual, I turned to Microsoft Paint to express my angst.

Any other April Fools haters out there?

In other news, I did some serious spring cleaning this weekend and managed to accrue four trash bags of clothes and shoes to donate to Goodwill. And that ain't no joke, kiddos!

Let's focus instead on what's MOST important about April 1...MLB opening day! I love me some baseball.


Unknown said...

Yes yes yes!! It really is the worst holiday!

Kylie said...

From a fellow trusting person, I fully agree with this blog post. Hate it!

Anonymous said...

I am also a super trusting person. I get abused for it!! Haha. My husband always laughs at me for being too gullible. Today, because we are immature like that, we decided to officially announce our REAL pregnancy. SO many people are confused, but it's legit people. I mostly think it's hilarious. I wouldn't sink so low as to lie about something like that! YAYYY!

Jenna said...

Yeah I'm not took keen on April Fool's Day. I don't mind little jokes that are over quickly, or ingenious ones like this:

Or the fact that Netflix had a category entitled, "Movies in Which Kevin Bacon Has a Meltdown." Because ... awesome!

But yeah, I don't like practical jokes or pranks. I always fall for them.

I did, however, change my husband's Facebook profile pic to the U of U logo today. Last year was Kobe Bryant. It has been well-received. :)

Kerry said...

"As per usual, I turned to Microsoft Paint to express my angst."

Just the best sentence.


Harley said...

oh hey funny joke that i am pregnant.


nattapatta said...

This was my 5th April fools day with my husband. He always tricks me, but I've never gotten him. This year I finally did. And I have to admit it didn't feel as wonderful and awesome as I thought it would. I just felt bad that I lied to him, even though it was in the name of April Fools Day. He laughed, and I apologized a million times. I don't think I'll participate next year...

Anonymous said...

So funny!!!!

K said...

I don't like April Fool's either! I had to ignore the internet all day Monday because of exactly what you described (minus Microsoft paint.. sounds like a suitable venue for expressing angst. I'll have to try it.)

Unknown said...

If it's not too late, instead of carting all those bags of clothes and shoes yourself, I suggest you let your friend Nicole take them for you. After she rummages through them like a greedy raccoon for things she might like to keep for herself.

katilda said...

So glad you agree!

katilda said...

Amen and amen!

katilda said...

haha that Netflix one is amazing!

katilda said... true. haha

katilda said...


katilda said...

I once agreed to play a trick on my brother and I almost cried I felt so bad. Turns out I hate lying, even pretend lying. It makes me anxious!

katilda said...

Anything with the grumpy cat is enough to make me laugh:)

katilda said...

Oh ummm yes you MUST try the microsoft paint thing. Very therapeutic. I'm thinking I could start a whole medical practice around this idea.

katilda said...

Oh snap! The clothes are long gone :/ I promise none of htem were very great, or I wouldn't have been able to part with them. Just dumb old things from the darkest corners of my closet.

Unknown said...

Ah bummer. Next time then!