Friday, March 8, 2013

AZ Blogger Meetup Recap: Sweet Cakes

You know what they say: "Better 2 weeks later than never."
I mean, I say it all the time. I just wish places like the library actually cared.

At the end of February, Camille and I planned and hosted (hostessed?) (...twinkies?) the first AZ Blogger Meetup. Attendance was fantastic, the people were fantastic, the soda fountain was fantastic for providing me with too much Dr. Pepper too late at night, causing me to stay up until 3am watching Geek Charming.

A big thank you to Sweet Cakes Cafe for being an amazing venue with amazingly delicious treats and amazingly nice employees!

Camille and I were so pleased with the turnout and we can't wait to host the next one in May! If you're an AZ blogger, join the Facebook group to stay tuned and to network with local bloggers.

First, more pictures!
All photo credit to Bonnie Jean Photography.

And the list of our lovely attendees...
Here's a code to add this shmancy button to your own recaps!


Don't forget to join the Arizona Blogger Meetup Facebook group so you can join us at the next gathering and see the rest of the photos!


  1. Oh my GOSH!!! I love this so much. all of it. The twinkies, the dr. pepper, the photos, the buttons, you, just all of it.

  2. Number of male bloggers present: 0

    1. Number of male bloggers who came - 2. Number who stayed long enough to take photos - 0.

  3. I'm SO SAD I missed this! Next time!

  4. Proof being a male blogger is almost irrational. #HardOutHereForAPimp

    1. Your hashtag made my day, which still makes you a success. Just think about it: you have a much less competitive niche to fill. Go and dominate!

    2. Spoken by someone who works in marketing.

  5. i'm so bummed i couldn't make it! looks like you ladies had a blast :)

    xo brie

  6. I just found you through Brittany's blog! It looks like it was a fun event! I just joined the Facebook group so that I can be in the loop for your next event! :)

  7. I'm so excited! Peeps in AZ blog! I can't wait to join you, keep everything crossed for us.

  8. Do you guys do these meetups anymore?!? I would love to go! Find me at :)


"Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me baby!" - A Goofy Movie