Friday, February 15, 2013

valentine's day secret gift swap!

Fact: There are few things I love more than giving gifts.

Sometimes I plan gifts months in advance, and sometimes I am months late because I have to wait for juuuust the perfect idea to appear. Gifts don't need to be extravagant, just thoughtful and personalized. I seriously love surprising people with the perfect little treasure!

So when I found out about the Valentine's Day secret blog gift swap over at abcde and Sealed With a Kiss, I was sooo on board!

I was assigned to send a gift to Jerusha at This is My Happily Ever After. A Texan? Who likes Hanson, baking and the color teal? This is a girl I had noooo problem shopping for. The rules were to spend less than $10 (a challenge, but one I am aptly fitted for). Here's some of what she received:

And then a magical package came in the mail for me from April at Hansen Love! Here's what she gifted me:

{Thanks April!}

I loved playing along with this little game and feel like maayyyybe it should happen for every holiday. A 4th of July firework swap, anyone?


  1. Um, let's really do this. The Baby You're a Firework gift exchange.

  2. Hey Lady!!!

    Thank you for my Valentine. I was so happy with my box. I plan on wearing the nail polish on my date. :)

    I love that it was so obvious that I love Hanson.


"Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me baby!" - A Goofy Movie