Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mr. Feeny for President

i done did my civic duty today!

...in other news, did you hear the blessed announcement?

yes, my most favorite of all favorite TV shows is returning to me. i've survived mannnyyyy years by owning several seasons on DVD, and my patience is finally being rewarded!
also, this article about it is brilliant.

it makes me want to crank the M.C. Hammer and do a little jig to this song.

did you vote?
...and do you love boy meets world?
yes of course you do.

note: i didn't actually vote for Mr. Feeny but don't we wish it was an option?


  1. Yes and yes. Mr. Feeny for president!

  2. Wait wait....I just actually READ that article...GIRL MEETS WORLD?!?! WHAT?!?!?! I am dying over here.

  3. What's next, a new Star Wars movie? Oh, wait.

  4. Ahhh...I love Boy Meets World! We have been talking about getting the DVDs.


"Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me baby!" - A Goofy Movie