Thursday, October 25, 2012 Giveaway!

oh hey there hey!
remember that one time when ModestPop sent me a shirt to review?
and i promised to do a giveaway?

the day is here!
you can win...(insert Price is Right announcer voice)...a $15 coupon to ModestPop!
not a new car but hey it's still cool.

hint: you can buy pretty much anything they sell with 15 smackers

you can also save 10% if you use the code Katilda at checkout.

personally i would choose this:

or maybe this or this or this.

the giveaway closes on Monday, Oct. 29

and i gave you like a bazillion ways to earn multiple entries below.
go! get 'er done!

who doesn't love free things,


  1. Love the diagonal striped skirt!

  2. I love that lacey shirt you posted! Love. I'm not sure it would work out for me five months pregnant but I love the striped skirt, too. So much to love.

  3. I would choose the coral lace tee!!

  4. Hmm these are all fabulous! But I'm especially digging the mocha stripe or the black Eva shirt

  5. I love the diagonal striped skirt! :-)

  6. Coral lace tee definitely. :)_ Please please please!

  7. So...if I choose the lace tee...I would then also need to buy some kind of undershirt...cuz...well my belly doesn't look as awesome as that model's...and this is why I hate shopping. Please someone, anyone, be my personal shopper!

    1. Haha Amy I think the way that model wears it is totally weird. And it makes me think of the 90s in a bad way. I definitely recommend an undershirt, though not a skin colored one because whenever someone wears a lace shirt with a skin color undershirt I always think they are naked at first. I mean, I guess if you want your life to be more interesting...

  8. I really like the B&W Maxi skirt. I know, like the rest of the world. There's so many cute shirts too!!

    Also, I find it ironic it's called modest pop when there is clearly a belly button exposed, haha!

  9. I'd get this:

  10. LOVE THIS STUFF!!! I like the French Floral Skirt. Cute.


"Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me baby!" - A Goofy Movie