Thursday, July 26, 2012

in which i claim my rightful territory.

i'm not one for fangirling about celebrity crushes very often, but...
i have to make a statement.

before the dark knight rises...
before inception...
before 500 days of summer...
before 10 things i hate about you...
even before 3rd rock from the sun...
there was angels in the outfield.


...there was also maybe one episode of dr. quinn medicine woman.

you might say we were childhood sweethearts, 
joseph gordon-levitt and myself. 
just to clear things up for all the newcomer ladies in line.

*insert raised eyebrow and finger pointing around the room*

but hot hooverdam,
dark knight rises certainly fanned the old flame.


call me maybe, JGL?


  1. may i introduce you to: Brick. circa 2005. netflix it! all JGL, all the time. oh that talented man: swoon.


"Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me baby!" - A Goofy Movie