Monday, June 25, 2012

teach me how to dougie. i mean blog.

so, surriously,
i tried and tried to conquer this myself.

but apparently i am slightly blog illiterate.

i know i've got readers out there.
i know that i've got some followers.
my stats tell me so.
thanks for the ego boost, blog stats!

how do i add one of those "follow" buttons?
like google friend connect?
except i think GFC died a couple months ago?
and i just need some sage advice?
and this is a lot of question marks?

ok that's all.
blogger friends, please impart your wisdoms.
comments welcome, as are emails:

if i like you i might keep emailing you, though.
just be warned.

also, i feel like this picture is relevant:

i would actually accept the dougie lessons as well,


Unknown said...


For the "Follow" on Google Connect, it's under the "Layout" sidebar, and then you want to "Add a Gadget". The Gadget you want is "Followers". Magical, no? :)

But I'm right there with ya chica! Here are some other helpful blogs that I enjoy. Feel free to dish as well!
this isn't much about blogging, but it's Adobe design how-to stuff. It's helpful, or at least I find it helpful.
LBB has some great tutorials too.
Jessica Jones is a great designer, and she's put up some helpful information. And she's got a great voice in writing too!

Kylie said...

Ansel Leigh's got you covered. GFC is a little different now, in that if you don't have a google account, you can't follow a blog using that method. But it's still usable for all google users!

katilda said...

it worked! it worked! you'd think i would have figured that out much sooner...seeing as how it was called "followers"...hahaha. oh man. i'm excited to check out the other stuff you posted. thanks so much! now i'm going to go get some caffeine because, clearly, my brain is in need.