Tuesday, February 14, 2012

i believe in a thing called love.

well hey there!

i began my feb. 14 with a beloved salted caramel hot chocolate form the ol' starbucks.
then that feisty little beverage said happy valentines to my white shirt.


in any case, can't rain on my parade!

here's some feb. 14 options for you:

if you're feeling sappy...

if you're feeling silly...

if you'd rather celebrate arizona's 100th birthday...

groovin in my heart-printed tights,


Rolled Up Pretty said...

Okay LOVE those tights! They are amazing, especially on this Valentines Day! HA!

The Ballard Family said...

Katie. That is my absolutely favorite hot chocolate ever. I had it like, five years ago...and then they didn't have it for a while...or something. Looks like I need to take a trip to Starbucks soon.