Friday, November 25, 2011

them social media people

hey katie, how's that new job of yours going?

well, thank you for asking!
it's been quite lovely.
and busy.
but i have no complaints!
i really am very, very content thus far.

they sent me to a social media conference last weekend in tempe

let me tell you a unique feature of such a conference:
the audience is full of people who are likely on more than one techy device at a time, tweeting about the presentation as it's happening.

this is potentially the only venue out there where it's not rude to be actively using your cell phone, etc. during a  presentation, yes?

what did i learn?

here's a couple tidbits...

50-60% of people check social media first thing after waking up

94% of buyers [online and in-store] perform an online search about the product before making a purchase

having a properly optimized video on your site makes it 53 times more likely to show up in the first page of a Google search

...pretty fascinating, eh?

are you cats into social media?
you'll find me at @k8ehawkes
[say hello!]

1 comment:

Emily Sarah Brooks said...

INTERESTING! It's crazy how "plugged in" society is these days. Maybe everyone should just take a break. And I just realized I'm saying this while typing on a computer ;)
All in favor for a beach trip!?