I spent my media childhood in the 1990s.
There couldn't be a better era.
So much flavor. So many ways to automatically fit in in college because you all have the same memories and inside jokes. (Thank you, Nickelodeon....)
Found a Web site....with T-shirts that celebrate everything I hold dear.
Thanks to my rad bro and sister-in-law, i now proudly own THIS masterpiece:

SOMEDAY, I will own the rest of these....or keep dreaming about them....
(Plus a Back to the Future one, Wishbone, California Dreams, etc....)
Legends of the hidden temple (always knew i could win this show. those kids were slow.)

Sandlot (classic)....

Saved by the bell....

Rookie of the year (Hosendgardner!)....

Power Rangers (they have these in every color....i chose kimberly.)

Oregon Trail (pretty sure this one is my favorite....SO wicked cool)...(if you can't read it, it says "You have died of dysentary." Amazing. Simply amazing.)

Oh, Kenan and Kel...

Cool Runnings (Previous blog analogies are coming true before our very eyes....)

GUTS (don't think mom liked the name of this show....)

Full House...(cue the violins and sappy resolutions to all life problems with Bob Sagget)

Fresh Prince (In west philadelphia, born and raised...)

ummm YES! This ties with Oregon Trail for favorite. Boy Meets World. No explanation needed.

If you can name this without me telling you, you're my hero. Okay i'll tell you, it's Doug. (Bangin' on a trash can...)

Mighty Ducks! Coach Gordon Bombay! Learned everything i need to know from that man. They have these jerseys for every player on the team...Adam Banks, anyone?

Bill Nye the Science Guy...

Hey Arnold....

Are you afraid of the dark? (This show used to scare the tar outta me...)

There ya have it. My afterschool and saturday morning on-screen life in one stream of beautiful outerwear. Thank you Androo and Bonnie for opening my world...
Haha I was looking at this website a few days ago and I wanted to buy every one of those shirts! I wanted the one with the blue beracudas the most though! We had the best childhood! Poor kids today!
So, I totally made JC stop what he was doing when I read this post and come look at all the t-shirts with me. We were laughing so hard. I can't even pick a favorite! They're all so good! Seriously, though, the nineties will never be beat. And that is that.
Also, I listened to the song on your playlist and...surprise!...it made me cry.
Geez, at least I know that whenever I need to shed some tears at the end of the day just to release all that pent-up emotional energy that happens when you hold back from pulling your hair out and yelling at your kids at any overwhelming point in the day...all I need to do is look at Katie's blog. And I will have an excuse to cry. Oh, and smile too. Can you write something every day? :)
I suppose I could also just go look at my trees and be so happy. Don't worry, sister, you will have trees of your own someday. And, for now, whenever you visit here, you can come sit among mine and bond with them. Then someday, we will make your trees and my trees play together...and...well, anyway.
You are almost done with the semester. And, really, you are almost done DONE! Woohoo!!!
Are you coming home in between?
Love from all,
P.S. Ben called you on his pretend phone today. No joke. He even said "Katie" when I asked who it was. :)
Oh. Not even sure where to start. Thanks for the blast from the past. Wishbone! Saved by the Bell! Full house! OREGON TRAIL!! How can our posterity ever be so enriched?
KATIE! These shirts are A-mazing! I kinda want to get the sandlot shirt for Trev. "You're killing me smalls" is his favorite saying :) I was telling Andrew today at school that we're terrible at phone tag so I had to ask him how you were doing. lol WE NEED TO CHAT! It's been way too long! I miss miss miss you! I'm glad you liked the pictures...and my bangs :) I cut them right before valentines day and haven't looked back since :) Okay i could write a novel on here...or how about we just chat. Deal? deal! love you girl
HELLO!!! I love finding new people on here. :) how have things been going for you?!
woah seriously...that totally took me back to the day! i loved like pretty much all those shows haha!
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