Friday, September 19, 2008

something splendid this way comes.

So, besides the delightful fact that my roommate is currently singing "Somewhere over the Rainbow" in the shower...

Today I left work, ready for my daily 5pm brain-unwinding walk down the hill to my apartment Lost in my thoughts, I was crossing South Campus Drive (i made up that name. i think it might be right.) when a gust of wind sent a shower of leaves off a tree and into my hair and swirling about my mango-colored toenails. Wait, leaves? Yes...leaves. YELLOW leaves. And although I have had carved pumpkins on my front porch for a good week now in anticipation of the change of seasons, this pre-Autumn descent of pigmented foliage still caught me by surprise.

I turned and looked up at Y mountain and confirmed my hopes...the very tops of the mountains are already painted with a smattering of fiery red shrubberies, creeping slowly down the mountainside in volcanic-esque trails of joy.

Good things are around the corner :)


The Ballard Family said...

You describe the things my dreams are made of. OH, to be in the autumn of Utah! I have never experienced it...and the spring and summer absolutely left me madly in love, so I can only imagine...and Autumn is my favorite in every sense of the word...hmmm...think JC's up for being left alone with the chillun' for a spur of the moment weekend trip Mandy takes to Provo to visit Katie?
The tree writings...oh, how you continue to teach me. I think that, at heart, you are the older sister and I am the younger. Actually, I think Andrew is older than me too, in spirit...well, anyway, that leaves me the middle child which explains a lot.
What you said about not just gripping the fruit angrily, wanting to chuck it at a mocking something-or-other SO struck me. Haha, unknowingly, you smacked me with some fruit with that analogy...anyway...time for me to sit and ponder on the epiphany you have given me...
and (sigh) wonder what it would be like to be swirled up deliciously in a gust of rainbow leaves...

Matt said...

a shrubbery you say?

yes, and make it a nice one... one that's fiery red and smatters some type of hill top.


Mrs. Allens Class said...

What is that even like? It's still something like 100 degrees here.
You are such a talented writer , I loved that. Write a book :)

Sherri Romney said...

Hey hon! I'm glad I found you on here! Your blog is way cute!!